Port officials launched the Port of Long Beach Academy of Global Logistics at Cabrillo High School on October 12th, a four-year academy conducted in partnership with the Long Beach Unified School District bringing together college prep academics, demanding technical education and work-based training opportunities. “This is an exciting day,” said Board of Harbor Commissioners Vice President Lou Anne Bynum. “Our goal with the Academy is to inspire students to explore careers in the international trade and goods movement industry right in their backyard. We’d like to thank the school district for teaming up to develop the Port leaders of the future.” The Port awarded $59,500 in scholarships to 40 students from Long Beach-area high schools, Cal State Long Beach and Long Beach City College in 2016. Since 1993, the Port of Long Beach has awarded scholarships totaling $667,150 to 391 students pursuing careers in international trade and the goods movement industry.