The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach recently released a draft of their 2017 Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP) Update, a landmark air quality plan that establishes the most comprehensive, far-reaching strategy for reducing port-related air pollution and related health risks. While doing so, the plan also allows for port development, job creation and economic activity to continue. The 2017 update proposes new aggressive near-term and long-term approaches for the nation’s busiest harbor complex to increase reductions of air pollution from port-related sources, which help meet the state’s aggressive greenhouse gas reduction goals, and achieve zero emissions for trucks and terminal equipment.
“Working closely with all our partners has been crucial to our success. That same collaboration went into the development of the 2017 CAAP and will be indispensable going forward,” said Port of Long Beach Executive Director Mario Cordero. “Since 2006, the Clean Air Action Plan has been a model for programs to reduce health risks and air quality impacts from port operations worldwide. We remain committed to being leaders in seaport sustainability.”
Ships, trucks, cargo handling equipment, locomotives and harbor craft will be affected by a new era of clean air strategies designed to mitigate emissions stemming from port operations, as the CAAP is expected to incorporate local, regional, state and federal standards and regulations. Additional clean air regulations are also anticipated by the California Air Resources Board.
The document’s release kicks off a public review and comment period that extends through September 18th. Written comments may be submitted to until 5:00 p.m. Harbor commissioners from both ports plan to hold a joint public meeting in November to consider the final draft.