The Draft California Sustainable Freight Action Plan (CSFAP) was released on Tuesday, May 3rd. According to the CSFAP website, the Plan is an ambitious statewide effort to improve freight efficiency and transition the freight transport system to zero-emission technologies, while continuing to support California’s economy.
In July 2015, Governor Brown issued Executive Order B-32-15, which directs the Secretary of the California Transportation Agency, Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency, and the Secretary of the Natural Resources Agency to lead the appropriate State departments in the development of a California Sustainable Freight Action Plan by July 2016. The State departments involved in this effort include the California Department of Transportation, the California Air Resources Board, the California Energy Commission and the Governor’s office of Business and Economic Development.
The integrated action plan will identify strategies and actions to achieve a sustainable freight transportation system that meets California’s environmental, energy, mobility, safety and economic needs. The plan will also identify and initiate corridor-level freight pilot projects within the State’s primary trade corridors that integrate advanced technologies, alternative fuels, freight and fuel infrastructure and local economic development opportunities.
The comment period for the draft action plan closes at 5:00PM on July 6, 2016.
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